COVID-19 | How CSN JD Collision is Keeping Our Customers Safe
COVID-19 has taken the world by surprise and not in a good way. One day we were living life as usual and the next everything changed.
The entire world has been flipped upside down in the past few months and it’s a scary thing for everyone. Stores are closing up, people are being sent home to work if they can and others are being flat out laid-off. Everyone is being asked to practice social distancing, parks are shut down and all events have been cancelled.
Canada has seen 15,822 cases as of April 5th and 1,250 of those are in Alberta, a few have even been reported in Cold Lake & Bonnyville.
The Government of Canada has put into place many emergency measures to try and stop the spread of the virus like social distancing which means not being closer than 6 feet to anyone outside your home, non-essential businesses have been forced to close until further notice, and grocery stores have plexi-glass shields around the tills and tape on the floor.
They are also offering financial benefits to help business owners and employees country-wide through these trying times.
Everyone is working tirelessly to do their part in keeping everyone safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, including CSN JD Collision.
Unfortunately, a pandemic doesn’t stop accidents from happening so our shops in Cold Lake and Bonnyville Alberta remain open at this time as we are considered an essential service. The entire staff at CSN JD Collision is doing their part to keep you safe on the road and keep up with repairs, all while paying close attention to other safety measures regarding the virus, like constant hand washing, distancing in the shop and extra cleaning procedures.
What is CSN JD Collision doing to help flatten the curve?
No More Drop-Bys
We absolutely love having customers that pop in to say HEY!, bring us a coffee or to check on their vehicle repairs. We’re people people, so the unexpected visits are always welcome, but for the time being we are no longer allowing pop-ins. We are required to comply with Government regulations at this time to minimize the number of people in and out of our shop each day. Our team is still working away at getting you back on the road, so we ask that you do not stop in to the shop for the safety of our staff (and yours as well).
Customers are being accepted by appointment only. We also have an online contact page and estimate form on our website for your safety and convenience.
In-house cleaning
On top of social distancing with our customers during COVID-19, we are being vigilant in our cleaning practises. Counter tops, computers, door handles and all keys are being sanitized after touching and several times throughout the day.
All our essential staff that are still working on your vehicles are using proper and frequent hand-washing procedures as well as social distancing when they are not at work.
In closing…
During such uncertain times, all we can do is follow the health and safety practises and work together as a community. We will continue to run as an essential service to our communities and customers the best we can.
If you have any other questions or concerns about our current practises or services, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will do our best to support you anyway we can and keep the car repair process as safe as possible.